2008년 10월 23일 목요일

2008년 10월 22일 수요일


Jihoon Ryoo

MS candidate in WINE Lab
#515A, 2nd Engineering Bldg
Anamdong, Seoungbukgu
Seoul 136-713, Republic of Korea


August 2009[Exp] MS in EE, Korea University, Seoul Korea
Advisor: Prof. Hwangnam Kim
August 2007 BS in EE, Korea University, Seoul Korea

September 2009- Present Wireless & Network Team, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
June 2009- August 2009 Network Team, National Supercomputing Center, KISTI, Daejun, Korea

Research Area
Wireless MAC design and analysis for 802.11 WLANs
Congestion control, CST control, transmission power control and rate control for future networks
Cross-layer optimization
Community Connectivity (Wireless Mesh Networks)
Quality of Service (QoS) Provisioning in wireless networks

To be edited

August 2008 Method for Deciding Period of Information-Exchange in Wireless Network
March 2008 Method and System of Transmission Power Decision according to Network Topology
Configuration based on Angular Information and Recording Medium thereof

January 2007- ETRI Reseach on Realtime Mobility Support in WLANs
January 2008

Technical Skills
Language : C, C++, Matlab, Perl
Platform: Unix, Windows
Tool: GCC/GDB, Visual Studio, ns2

  • Hwangnam Kim
    Associate Professor
    School of Electrical Engineering
    Korea University
    e-mail: hnkim@korea.ac.kr, tel: 02-3290-4821
  • Kun Tan
    Wireless and Network
    Microsoft Research Asia
    e-mail: kuntan@microsoft.com